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May 1, 2007  

There are blue flowers and white flowers growing in our front lawn.  We can't identify them; can anybody help us?

Every morning when I get up, Gidget hollers for his breakfast, meowing every two seconds (with every breath) until I set it down on the floor.  You can hear the clink of the fork on the dish as I mix his food.

We have a pair of common mergansers in the beaver pond—a male and a female.  Despite their name, I'd call them rare; we've never seen this bird before.  They're unusually large for a duck.

The Souhegan Valley Chorus concert Saturday went great!  The theme was the Old West (see program).  My favorite song was "Sunset" by Stephen Chatman and Tara Wohlberg.

Feature - View from the top of Mount Everest (scroll to right).

Quote for the Day - "'Mr. Kenge,' said Allan, appearing enlightened all in a moment. 'Excuse me, our time presses.  Do I understand that the whole estate is found to have been absorbed in [court] costs?'  'Hem!  I believe so,' returned Mr. Kenge."   from Bleak House by Charles Dickens  (This is Dickens' commentary on the propensity of lawyers to prolong a case in their own interests.)