The Fibonacci Series
Form a series xn by taking the position in the alphabet of each letter in Fibonaccis name:
xn = 6, 9, 2, 15, 14, 1, 3, 3, 9 for n from 1 to 9.
Then form a second series yn by the relationship
yn = a0 + a1xn + a2xn2 + a3xn3 + a4xn4 + a5xn5 + a6xn6,
where the as are the well-known Traho-Cruris coefficients:
a0 = 83
a1 = 136.518
a2 = 78.96
a3 = 19.6321
a4 = 2.327465
a5 = 0.1297512
a6 = 0.00273576
This forms the series:
yn = 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, for n from 1 to 7.
which is known as the Fibonacci series.